First Visit
At Demyen Family Chiropractic in Canton, our office examinations and procedures are geared toward detection and correction of your nervous system imbalance. The procedures we use are specifically selected for your nervous system health. Here's what you should expect during your first visit at our clinic:
- During your CONSULTATION, you will discuss your current concerns and objectives with Dr. Joe. He will explain the basics of what Chiropractic is and outline our exam procedure.- Our EXAMINATION consists of a thorough nervous system exam which includes "Palpation". Palpation essentially is checking your back, neck and sometimes extremities by hand. This process helps the doctor assess issues such as muscle symmetry, inflammation, and joint play; all may be signs of nervous system distortion.
- KINESIOLOGY testing helps discern the difference between soft tissue issues (muscles, tendons and ligaments), extremity issues (shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, foot, etc.), spinal issues (neurological in nature), or a combination of any of these three.
- We then do a bilateral WEIGHT-SCALE ANALYSIS. A 2-pound difference from right to left is within normal limits. The further we are away from that 2-pound difference also indicates the degree of nervous system distortion that is taking place because your center of gravity has shifted.
- This will be followed by a COMPUTERIZED POSTURE ANALYSIS. We know that posture is the window to health. Variances or abnormal posture is an expression of a breakdown in the nervous system. The posture analysis allows us to see how this nervous system distortion is expressing itself. Often times it is the postural distortion seen in the posture analysis and bilateral weight-scales that is causing the pain that you are initially entering our office with.- Finally we perform a STRESS RESPONSE EVALUATION (SRE). The SRE is a very effective and accurate method of measuring your physiological response to stress. It is a 12-15 minute computerized, totally non-invasive exam using an instrument found in research facilities around the world. Sensors are attached to your skin in areas such as your shoulder muscles, the top of your head, and your hands. There are no needles or any form of skin penetration. This exam measures various areas of your nervous system function including brain-wave activity, muscle tension, heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, skin temperature, and galvanic skin response (how sweaty your hands become). From this computerized interactive test, we can compare your neurological response and recovery to different types of stress challenges.
Report of Findings
The importance of each of these tests will be explained to you at your REPORT OF FINDINGS. However, it is important to note that this examination helps scientifically understand the subluxation processes going on in your nervous system. It also gives us a baseline for future testing so we can accurately measure your progress and see how your nervous system function is improving. Using these examination procedures is much more accurate than just depending on "how you feel" on any given day.
You will be scheduled for your Report of Findings within a few days of your initial visit. This visit is your most important visit and may take one hour or more. It is at your Report of Findings that we will give you a care plan and go over any special instructions you will need to obtain the best and fastest possible results. We have set aside specific times for these visits so as not to interfere with regular patient care hours. Our staff will schedule your Report of Findings with you after your first visit.
At Demyen Family Chiropractic care utilizes the most modern Chiropractic analytical and adjustive procedures and equipment available. We consider subluxations to be a serious threat to the quality and quantity of your health and that of your family. It is therefore imperative that we utilize the most modern, well-established, and time-proven procedures to help you. We feel you're worth it! Call today to schedule your appointment 770-720-2222, or schedule online.
If you've already scheduled your first visit, complete our new patient information forms and save time when you come in.